Montclair, NJ – Today, The Human Rights Campaign released the 2022 Municipal Equality Index for communities across the United States. Montclair once again stands out as an exception in New Jersey and across the country by achieving a perfect score of 100.
“With the changes in law and policy that we enacted at the Council level in 2021 and the explosion of programming administered by Out Montclair over the last two years, we have reshaped the lived-equality experience for LGBTQ+ people in Montclair,” said Montclair Councilor-at-Large Peter Yacobellis who also serves as Executive Director of Out Montclair. “But we’re far from done. As of today the Township still does not offer transgender specific healthcare to Township employees nor do we offer any kind of direct services to people living with HIV/AIDS or unhoused LGBTQ+ individuals. I also want to see us develop and enact an anti bullying law which would require bullying prevention policy and workforce training standards for entities receiving monies from the Township.”