What a night!
Last night to a packed crowd at the Montclair Art Museum, I gave updates on some top-of-mind issues in town — parking deck, parks, fire contract, cannabis, water and more. I also talked about the school bond, set some goals and shared my unabashed points of view on some hot button topics. Check it out:

I appreciated the questions that folks sent in advance, text during the event or asked in real time. There was not enough time to get to everyone’s questions. But we certainly had a lively discussion, which I hope you’ll watch.
This is what good government looks like and what a healthy democracy looks like. I was proud to take the stage, tell you how I feel and be transparent. I was even more proud that so many people showed up and will now tune in here and on channel 34 as this replays in the coming weeks. The only way we meet the moment we’re in is with your active and engaged participation.
You’ll always know how I feel and where I stand. Leadership is about setting an agenda, bringing others along and doing it with integrity. It’s also about recognizing that public policy is about the people and not about ourselves, our political agendas, or ambitions. This is who I am and what I believe. And in a democracy, you get the choice of whether you want to continue having me represent you, or not.

Resources to Council Members are very limited. So I appreciate those of you who made contributions to my election fund this last year so that I could produce an event that I think is worthy of this town and all of you.
Thank you, again.